A brief summary of superfruits and their potential uses and benefits

An Introduction to Superfruits

An Introduction to Superfruits

When you hear the term “superfruit,” what’s the first fruit that comes to mind? Is it acai, goji, noni, maqui or maybe mangosteen? While all of these fruits are great, there is one that deserves a place at the very top of these powerhouses: Aronia berry. This article provides an overview of some of the additional superfruits and a brief summary of potential uses and benefits. 



Acai is a small, purple berry from the Amazon Rainforest. It’s been heavily marketed in recent years and was even featured on The Doctor Oz Show. In addition to being rich in antioxidants, acai berries have been linked to weight loss prevention and other health benefits. The best part about acai berries is that no extra ingredients are necessary to experience health benefits. Just add a handful of the raw, frozen berries to smoothies, yogurt or cereal for an instant antioxidant boost!

But are the claims legitimate?

Sort of. The antioxidant properties in acai berries may have been oversold, but they are still beneficial for health. According to the comprehensive USDA database for polyphenol levels in foods, fresh Aronia berry contains 7 times more polyphenols than acai!


Goji berries come from the goji shrub, also known as wolfberry. These little red berries are packed with antioxidants and nutrients. The Himalayan region where goji berries grow has used them for thousands of years to promote well-being.

Goji juice is available in many health food stores and have been around for centuries, but they are enjoying newfound popularity in Western countries. These dried red berries are being added to smoothies, juices and energy bars with increasing regularity because of their impressive nutrient content.

Goji berry also contains carotenoids which can be beneficial for eyesight.


Noni, also known as Indian Mulberry, is a fruit found in the rainforests of the Pacific Islands. Polynesian people have been using this fruit for medicinal purposes for over 2,000 years to treat infections, constipation and arthritis (by reducing inflammation). The noni fruit is stinky and is usually mixed with the juices of other fruits to mask the unpleasant smell. Noni also contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals – nine times more beta-carotene compared to carrots!


Maqui is a small, purple berry that grows on trees in Chile and Argentina. The health benefits of maqui fruit are attributed to their high polyphenol content as well as their wide variety of anthocyanins and flavonols. The antioxidant properties of maqui berries have been reported to be significantly greater than acai.


Mangosteens are tangy, tropical fruits from Southeast Asia that are high in antioxidants. Traditionally, mangosteen has been used to treat digestive problems and even cancer. Unfortunately, they don’t travel well and aren’t readily available in the United States as fresh fruit because of their short shelf life. Mangosteen is commonly consumed as a juice or supplement.

There are many others! Some of the more interesting names include marula, camu camu, baobab fruit, and feijoa.

So, what is the best superfruit?

Well, it depends on what you’re looking for.

  • Are you looking for a superfruit that is grown in the United States?
  • Has the highest documented levels of polyphenols of all of these fruits?
  • Has the highest documented levels of anthocyanins of all of these fruits?
  • Has the highest levels of quercetin and proanthocyanins of all these fruits?
  • Can be easily added to smoothies, cereal, and yogurt without additional ingredients?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then you are in luck because Aronia berry checks all the boxes in one power-packed superfruit!

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